前 言 Foreword 感谢您选用广西玉柴机器股份有限公司的产品,并感谢您阅读《YC6G270-30(G5A00)柴油机零件图册》! Thanks for using Yuchai engine and reading the “Parts Catalogue of YC6G270-30(G5A00) Diesel Engine”!
玉柴的服务宗旨是:“倾我所有、尽我所能、竭诚用户、诚信天下”,为了更好地履行玉柴的服务宗旨,我们编印了《YC6G270-30(G5A00)柴油机零件 图册》,希望本图册可以让用户更好地认识了解玉柴产品的结构与配置,方便用户使用、维修和购置零配件。 With the aim to fulfill our company service tenet, i.e. “striving all out to serve the customers, spending full sincerity to confidence the world”, we compiled and printed this “Parts Catalogue of YC6G270-30(G5A00) Diesel Engine”. We hope this “Parts Catalogue of YC6G270-30(G5A00)Diesel Engine” will help you to understand the structure and configuration of Yuchai’s YC6G270-30(G5A00)diesel engines, so to operate and maintain them easily.
本零件图册是根据2008 年10 月的相关生产图样、资料编制而成的。图册中列出了YC6G270-30(G5A00)柴油机的全部零部件目录。 This “Parts Catalogue of YC6G270-30(G5A00) Diesel Engine” is compiled by basing on the production samples and technical documents in October 2008, and covers the engine model of YC6G270-30(G5A00) diesel engine.
随着产品的不断改进提高和用户不断提出新的要求,《YC6G270-30(G5A00)柴油机零件图册》中的有关内容将会有不同程度的变更,玉柴保留在不 预先通知的情况下进行修改的权利,具体配置情况应以当时产品技术文件为依据。 As production improvements and consumer’s requirements are constantly brought up, the content of this “Parts Catalogue of YC6G270-30(G5A00)Diesel Engine” must be changed at a certain extent, which Yuchai reserves the right to modify without formal notification beforehand. The engine’s idiographic configuration is according to its technical documents.
本零件图册编写不足之处在所难免,敬请多多指教,使之渐臻完善。谢谢! Deficiencies may appear in this “Part Catalogue of YC6G270-30(G5A00) Diesel Engine”, and your comments and suggestions are appreciated honestly!
